Welcome to the 2019 Christmas Ornament Exchange.

The 2019 exchange is now open. Sign ups will remain open until November 16 2019. After this date we will be assigning exchanges. We will not take any one after the Nov 16th deadline. This allows time for overseas exchanges to arrive before Christmas.

By signing up for the exchange you are agreeing to send an ornament to the person you are assigned with. If you are reported to me as being a Grinch, you will be removed from the exchange permanently.

Lets have some fun! I am excited to get us started!

Exchanges are going out!

The exchanges are starting to hit the mail!

I am not sure if anyone is following the news portion of this page, so I will continue to update on our FaceBook page as well.

Hope everyone is having a great time shopping for their ornament(s)

Remember if you are shipping International, please get them in the mail soon!

As always,

Merry Chirstmas


More email assignments went out tonight. Check your email, if you haven’t received one, and have signed up before tonight ,please let me know! There have been a few questions about “mail by dates”. I would think most of us would like our ornaments by December 1. With that being said, let’s shoot for that! I will check in periodically to see how you are doing. I will also be setting up a way for us to post pictures of our new treasures, more on that to come…

The exchange emails have gone out! We had several requests for international exchanges from our US friends, however we are short on International friends.

I did the best I could. If and when we get more I will pair you up. In the meantime ,spread the word, lets grow our list!

Happy exchanging!